Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Summer fun on the lake (6/19)

The boys are finally going out on their kayaks! Okay, maybe not quite yet... but Graham will get there eventually. LOL!
Graham is so much heavier this summer than he was the previous summer.  He actually gets to sit in the adult-sized kayak now.  I think he's a tad too heavy for the junior ones now.

Bobby helps carry the kayaks over to the neighbors. 
Thankfully we have some nice neighbors and they are allowing us to store them along their "beach" area in their backyard.

Charlie's friend is hanging out with them today, so he gets hang out on the lake too. These kids have way too much fun. And they are off!
So much lake and yet they are crashing into each other.  I'm guessing they are just trying to tip each other over.  Boys, I tell you!
I can't believe I didn't go kayaking or canoeing ONCE this summer!!  The days and weeks are going by so quickly - either with golf work or mural work.  I actually just finished up the neighborhood Little Library. Will post about that soon!

I'm still determined to get out there on the lake before it gets too cool.  It's been lovely lately but I think we're suppose to hit 90F this weekend?!  There's just been some crazy weather this year!

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