Thursday, August 29, 2024

Flooding in the garage (6/22)

I guess when it rains about 3" in 1 hour or 5" in 2 hours, this is going to happen?!  Yup, the storm drains in our yard could not keep up and the water kept raising and ended up in our garage!

What's funny is that our neighbor next door had mentioned something about water flooding into the garage when the previous owner had lived here. And I could not believe what she was saying. Well, unfortunately, we had to experience it to believe it!

Not exactly sure where this water is coming from?! Although, we did notice after the fact that the overflow of the rain barrel was not exiting the barrel properly. Urgh!!

The aftermath:
And of course, this was the time when we were just working through getting the shed put together. And that's all getting soaked!
The material of the shed should hold up to water.  Hopefully!

We finally decide to just shut the garage door.  You can probably see a little baby pump - we used that to drain the baby pool that we had for the boys during Covid (back in California).  It really isn't doing much here!
And then, it started to flood in the laundry room too?!
Perhaps it's designed to do so? I have no idea, but I was always curious what this red "thing" was on the floor in the laundry room. Well, we know water comes in when the drains can't keep up!!

You can see remnants of the water line on the garage door. Yikes!
Let's hope this doesn't happen again! Although I did buy some expandable "sand bags" so if anything, we have those handy for next time. Also raised a few things off the garage floor so we have less to clean up when it does happen again!

Here's a video of when the rains stopped and we opened up the garage doors to drain all the water out:
I'm debating about making some sort of french drain and then also perhaps creating like a natural rain catchment area near the drain. In time!!

There/s still a few more things on our "to-do" list that we need to take care of!

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