Saturday, June 1, 2024

Mother's Day (May 12)

I was surprised with a baseball game this year for Mother's Day.  It was a minor league game - with the Chicago Dogs.  The stadium wasn't too far away and on this particular day/game, the kids and parents were allowed to throw ball on the field.  Here are my boys!

Family we-fie:
It's been a while since we've been at a baseball game, let alone on the baseball field:
Graham said his arm hurt the next day.  Guess he was throwing too hard.  Ha!
A little snack before we get to our seats:
These tables were super convenient!
Found our seats and O.M.G... here's one of the mascots.  I think this guy is Mustard?!
And then, Ketchup (to the left) shows up. He's kinda creepy looking. Ha ha!
Momma and her boys! Charlie is being so silly!
Daddy and Charlie decided to get more popcorn.  But oh, we caught them eating from the bucket before getting back to the seats:
Graham brought his camera and these two were totally caught red-handed.  Check out the zoom on this camera!!
It was pretty much sunny the entire game until this patch of dark clouds showed up.  And it started to drizzle???
Thankfully it didn't last very long, although the cold drops of rain was nice because we were seated in the sun.  

Graham and Charlie finally got up halfway through the game and went under the score-board area.  That's where the home-run balls were going:
Actually, the balls were going over their heads and over the fence! They did manage to get someone to throw the balls back up.  And Charlie did manage to get one home-run ball to bring home :-)

Not a very big field but it was nice as  it was easy to get around and wasn't very busy:
Decided to stay to the very end of the game:
Towards the end of the game, we get some slushies and ice cream to go. Cheers!
And oh, right before the end of the game - one of the music from the Lion King came up and people were holding up their babies or toddlers like how baby Simba was being held by the monkey.  It was hilarious!  The boys help up their slushies instead. LOL!
Bonus... the Dogs win!!!
Graham being silly here with his glove over his head.  It was actually a good holding spot so he could have both hands free :-D
Charlie decided to get his home-run baseball signed by some players.  It's too bad the MVP that hit the ball had already left the field:
I'm not sure if the team wear pink all the time or if it was for Mother's Day.  There was a cap giveaway and also a free hotdog for all the moms.  I decided to pick up a grey cap instead of the pink one, and managed to snag an extra hotdog when no one was looking. Shhh...

I wonder what my late mom would have said if she saw me doing that.  He he...
I believe this photos was taken when my mom came to the US for the first time - to visit my sister and I when we were in college. Gosh, that's like almost 27 years ago!  Still miss her.  I was finally able to schedule a colonoscopy (that's overdue probably a year by now). And unfortunately, the earliest appointment I could get is not until October! Better late than never, I suppose.

The boys gave me a lovely handbag for Mother's Day:
Although, I did have them return it because it was too bulky when I tried to sit with it on the passenger side of the car.  Thank goodness for return policies here in the US!

Maybe they should have just bought me some more garden gloves.  And this one was fairly new too, but there's already a hole in it:
It's been difficult to keep my nails clean but thankfully one of the neighbors gave me like a brush that those nail stores use.  And it's been great!  I leave it by the kitchen sink :-)

Cute cards from the boys:
Graham is so simple with his messages and then Charlie writes me a poem.  These boys couldn't be more different.  Ha!
I had a really lovely Mother's Day.  Thanks, boys!! XOX  

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