Sunday, June 30, 2024

Boys' dental/orthodontist update

Looks like summer is the time for dental appointments! Graham had no issues during his cleaning:

Charlie on the other hand, did need some extra cleaning:

We definitely need to cut down on those sweets - chocolates, ice-cream, milk tea with tapioca/boba, the list goes on and on!

Both boys also had appointments at their orthodontist.  Graham is on his last set of Invisalign and should be able to move to retainers later in November.  He is so excited!  And Charlie actually does get to move forward to retainers in a few weeks.  His teeth were not severely crooked but did need some help:

After 1.5 years...

Nice and straight!

This is like the "torture device" to keep his lips apart to take photos. Ha ha!

Charlie had all his little nubbies taken off from the surface of some teeth.  They were put on to support the Invisalign but now that he is moving to retainers, those nubbies are no longer needed. He said it felt so odd not having any more bumps on his teeth.  What an investment with these two boys but so worth it! These boys are definitely so lucky and if they only knew that :-P

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