Saturday, June 8, 2024

Happy Birthday to Bobby!

A little more than a week after Graham's birthday and it's Bobby's birthday!  Should we mention how old he is?? Okay, I'll spare him this time :-)

I actually have an upcoming project so we had to run an errand after lunch.  Boys are relaxing while waiting for Momma to come out of the store. Ha!
After the store, we decided to hang out at the skate park for a bit.  Daddy trying out the scooter on the ramp!
Just glad everyone has their helmet on:
Momma trying to look cool on the skateboard.  I'm not sure if I'm nailing the look.  Ha ha!!
Trying out Graham's Ripstick:
Graham makes it look so easy!
I'm glad the scooter still gets some action with Charlie:
Time for a snack and refreshments!
Once we get home, I hang the new wreath that we purchased while running our errands earlier.  Love it!
Thankfully it's no quite covering our hummingbird door-knocker!
We stopped by the store to get Bobby his birthday gift before coming home.  So we didn't really get a chance to wrap it:  
3... 2... 1... Ta da!!!
It's a new espresso machine!  I'm not sure who is more excited though - Graham or Bobby.   Ha ha!
Graham has been making a lot of Bobby's espresso (on the stovetop) and looks like this will be his new "toy".  He's been using the the new machine to froth milk and make hot chocolate.  And Graham says,  "Best hot chocolate ever!" 😄

For dinner, we make pasta with chicken and garlic butter sauce.  Yum!!
We decided to go to the driving range the next day instead as everyone got pretty tired after all the errands from the day before:
It's been a while so make sure everyone warms up properly!
Omg, remind me not to wear these pants again in public. Too floral.  Ha ha!
One last gift - from Bobby's mom. Too cute!
Perfect fit :-D
By the way, I was doing looking elsewhere for a second the other day and when I looked up from my chair, Charlie totally imitated Bobby.  I had to take a photo - how funny is this!
I'm so glad Bobby is still up to being dragged along and picking up used furniture with me.  Of course I have to repay his duties in ice-cream.  Not helping the waistline, honey!!
For $20, this hutch is quite the steal!  At least now Charlie and Graham's fishing stuff has a home:
Come to think of it, perhaps getting through this log pile will help the waistline!!
A storm blew over a couple of our neighbor's trees and while the guys were working, we managed to convince them to stash the logs over in our yard.  We should have plenty of wood for next winter - as long as we can figure out how to split them!!  And also once our chimney is fixed.  Here's Step 1 out of 2, of the repairs that needs to be done:
Looks like more meals at home to pay for all these repairs!  I have to say, Bobby is improving :-D
Happy Birthday, honey!!  We love you lots!! XOX

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