Saturday, June 8, 2024

Graham's Orchestra spring recital

One last recital for the year!  7th Grade String is sounding pretty decent :-)
Apologies for the lousy videography.  My hands and eyes can't seem to work my phone camera very well. LOL!
Even a Taylor Swift song made it into their playing rotation.  Ha!
Here's our boy, Graham!
Seems that Graham will be continuing with 8th Grade violin/orchestra - which I'm so glad about!  Although a couple of his friends will not be when they move over from 8th Grade to high school. It seems that orchestra counts against Electives.  What?!  That's a real bummer.  I guess we still have 1 more year to figure this out but missing out on Electives does sound like a shame.  Especially when there's a brand new culinary kitchen too installed in the high school.  I guess time will tell.  One more year.  Phew! ;-P

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