Saturday, April 20, 2024

Uncle Doug's visit

Of course, Bobby forgot to remind me that his brother is coming into town (this was 2 weekends ago).  So, that means I only had a couple of days to clean up the basement!  Well, not clean really - but at least push all the mess to the edge of the walls, again. LOL!

Okay, this little spot is going to get organized eventually.  But it is what it is right now. I just can't seem to throw the boys' stuff away.  And I know they don't even miss it!
I will be hosting a meeting for our neighborhood Youth Committee early next month, so for sure I'll have to clear that up by then.  Fingers crossed??!

And this side is looking better:
But don't close that door because there's boxes and bins hiding back there. LOL!!
I managed to put my sewing machine in that picnic basket to the left.  It's like it was meant for it!
What a dreary day:
So much rain lately and it's still so cold.  But I'm so glad we have the fireplace downstairs and it's operated with a remote.  Easy on and easy off!
And during all this organizing, I found a box of IKEA instructions.  Wow, talk about hoarding. Instructions for a high chair??!  Let's see... Charlie is going to be 12 years old this summer.  LOL!!
Uncle Doug's visit came and went pretty quickly.  We did managed to play a few games including Uno and this balancing game:
Didn't take long for him to blame Charlie for his own mistake.  And the look on Charlie's face is just like, "Yeah, whatever".  Too funny!
Come and visit us again soon, Uncle Doug!  I just have to be sure to get a few extra days of notice to organize :-P

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