Sunday, April 21, 2024

Master bedroom mural project

I wasn't really expecting to paint this mural in our bedroom.  It was perhaps a project for a wall in the basement, but we decided instead to hang up a set of 6 maps that made up a World Map.  And so while I was trying to also figure out how to improve the Feng Shui in our bedroom, I then finally decided to draw the mural in our bedroom.  Plus, the ceiling is really high and it would definitely fit the inspiration that I saw when we were at Mall of America with my sister and her family (back in February).

Here's where the inspiration came home:
Yes, it's massive!!  And that's me taking photos of it.  My sister sneakily took this photo of me.  Ha!

And here's what I ended up with :-)

And so, from the beginning we go!  The dresser used to be on this wall as we enter the room:
The original plan when we first moved in was to have the bed on that wall, but somehow it didn't seem so right.  But according to Feng Shui, you should be able to look up and see the door.  Well, better start drawing and painting then!  I did mess up with the scale a bit - drawing it a bit too short.  So I had to make quite some corrections before finally getting that scale correct.  I've never drawn anything this tall before!
I only have one blue color and so in order to make it lighter, I used water to blend it:
I figured I'd make a flower below the window sill too.  Although we won't really be able to see it since we do have longer curtains now.  But why not, since the inspiration mural had them too :-)
Okay, the 2 big "trees" are complete!
I think it took me a good part of 2 mornings to do this. It would have been a lot quicker if I didn't have to do the black outline on all the flowers and stems!

The cone flowers were probably the easiest of them all:
The flowers to the left were a bit trickier.  Especially trying to make really thin black lines.  My brushes perhaps were not the best.  Yes, I'm going to blame the brushes :-P
It was a little sparse starting out, so I free-handed a few more flowers to fill it up.  I think it turned out ok!
Almost there!  Just one more flower to the far right side:
In the meantime, I've bought a Japanese curtain (splits and opens in the middle) for the bedroom door:
I was doing something on the stairwell (putting up some peel-and-stick) and as I looked up the stairs, I noticed our bedroom door.  It made me think about Feng Shui again - how stairs can affect the energy flow. I know that you're not suppose to have stairs leading directly to your front/main door.  And sure enough, you're not suppose to have a bedroom door directly facing the stairwell too!  So maybe this curtain will help??  The first night it was up, Bobby said that he was going to the "sushi restaurant" as he walked through the curtains for bedtime.  LOL!  Too funny. That cat on the curtain is too cute though :-)

Okay, flower at the far right end is done!!
And I'm not sure if you can tell, but there's a pile of eraser shavings all along the floor. Ha!
Hmmm, not so happy with this leave.  Actually I double checked the inspiration mural and it's not suppose to look like this!
Mo' better??
All done.  Ta da!!!
Although, these flowers look kinda "jumpy".  Ha!
So I made a few changes so they look a bit more "calm" and full as well:
Had to get some semi-circles around these puffy "cloud" trees too.  Okay, I think now we are finally complete!
But that means moving the bed from the opposite wall.  Urgh... this mattress is SO HEAVY!!
Almost there!!
Phew! Taking a break and decided that I should change the position of the Japanese curtain to this side of the door instead.  Ha! I can't seem to make up my mind on a simple thing.  But yes, this is it :-P
Well, Charlie gave me a 7 out of 10 and Graham gave me a 7.5 out of 10.  Supposedly the critique was because I only used blue for all the flowers.  Ha!  Well, technically my options were limited to just blue and black because those are the only 2 paint colors that I have a lot of left!  This is the same blue color that I used for our front door and black for the trim around it.

Well, this project actually didn't take as long as I had expected.  I've been thinking about the Bird of Paradise for one of the walls in our toilet area:
Something like this, but now I'm thinking that might actually clash with what I already have on the mural.  So... back to the thinking cap a bit.  May need to sleep on this for a little while before I decide on another mural.  Plus, it's starting to warm up and the weeds are popping up everywhere in the front AND back yard.  Noooo...!!  There's going to be so much yard work these next few weeks :-(

Truth be told, I haven't slept very well these past 2 days since the new bed arrangement.  Maybe something with the dresser position now? But our options are pretty limited now as to how we can arrange the other furniture. Well, if anything, Bobby says that he has been sleeping well. So that's good.  Mission accomplished?!  :-D

Oh, I forgot to mention that Bobby wants me to draw a ladybug on one of the leaves.  We'll see!!

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