Friday, May 27, 2022

Mother's Day cont.

I had forgotten to take a photo of all the goodies that I had received for Mother's Day.  Here's the loot!
Charlie made me a really pretty card (middle) with all the hearts and lines.  Graham, on the other hand, bought a very cute 3-D pop-up card. He loves that stuff!  And as per usual, Bobby bought me a card that made me cry.  Ha!

There was also a little picnic at Charlie's school - which he totally forgot to tell me about.  Well, I knew about the day but he didn't tell me that it was a picnic and I was suppose to bring food and a book as we were suppose to read some poems together. It was a good thing I was just at the supermarket so I had a red bean bun for him and also some grapes!

We decided not to wait in line to take a photo in front of the balloons, so here it is :-) 
Charlie also created a book of poems for me and he created a portrait of me on the front cover.  I thought I had taken a photo of it but somehow I guess I didn't.  I'll have to share that once I can find the book again.  I've packed a lot of stuff away and can't seem to figure out where I've put anything.  I can't even find my watch!! And that says a lot because I LOVE my watch and would have been a lot more careful with it. Needless to say, I'm so glad that our Open House is over and done with!

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