Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Pumpkin cheesecake pie (Dec 27, 2018)

Just wanted to post this so ALL the boys in this family appreciate what I have to get done in order to get that pumpkin cheesecake pie on the table!

1.  First, get a pumpkin.  In your case, it might not have a scary face drawn on it but for us, the pumpkin is almost always from Halloween:
2. Open it up and make sure it is still fresh (that probably only applies to us again since Halloween was about 1 months ago!).  Take all the seeds out and save some if you do intend on growing more pumpkins next season.  Then, cut up your pumpkin into about 1" cubes:
3. Bake the pumpkin cubes in the oven... 375F for... I don't remember now.  Until they are golden brown and soft (able to poke through easily with a fork).  I don't use any oil so it will stick a little on the pan - which can be a pain to clean after!  I need to figure this one out a little bit better for the next batch:
4.  Now comes the pureeing.  I add a little bit of water into the food processor but only enough to get the pumpkin moving in the blender.  Another fun clean-up!  (NOT!)
5. Oh wait... I totally forgot to talk about preparing the crust!  I normally buy ginger snaps from IKEA but since IKEA is a bit of a drive, I opted for some ginger snaps from Trader Joe's instead.  And the crust turned out great!  The crust consist of crushed ginger snaps with some butter and brown sugar.  To crush the cookies, I normally put a couple cups of it in a ziplock bag and use a rolling pin or even a soup can or can of vegetables for crushing.  Graham and Charlie normally likes helping with this task :-)
Now push the mix into a pie dish and don't forget to go up the sides too. You can use a fork for best results.  Pour your pie filling in... oh wait...

Pie filling = pumpkin puree + block of cream cheese + maple syrup + vanilla essence + something like 4 eggs??! +  ... that's all I can think of right now.

So, okay... might be step 6 by now.

6. Pour your pie filling into your crust and put it in the over at 325F for 90 min or until the center is firm.  Let cool and then, refrigerate overnight.  I am glad the pie doesn't go missing overnight.  And then, the next day... TA DA!!!  Yummy in our tummy!!! :-D
Phew! I am tired (and hungry) just writing about this Pumpkin Cheesecake Pie!

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