Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Charlie's Physical

Charlie just recently had his 6th year physical examination.  His doctor said that he is very articulate for his age. Ha ha!
So knock on wood, everything is good.  Weight is 48lbs and height is 46 1/4" which is on the 70th percentile. He has grown a lot this past summer!  Maybe it's the angle but I took this photo during our most recent roadtrip to Phoenix last week - Look how long Charlie's legs are!!!
Charlie was also curious with the whole peeing into the cup thing and thankfully he did not fuss :-)   We also had the flu shot administered to both the boys.  Somehow Graham remembered how painful it was so when Charlie stepped up to it first, he didn't even flinch or cry.  He even said "That didn't hurt!" and unfortunately for Graham, it was the complete opposite.  The second that needle went into his arm, there was a loud cry and tears immediately started flowing.  Well, now we know who has who's level of pain threshold when comparing to Bobby and I :-P

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