Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Yummy ice-cream

We were driving along to the local Walgreens to pick up some photos and right across from the drugstore, we saw and interestingly named ice-cream store.  It was called "Dahlicious".  We were wondering if it anything to do with the English writer Roahl Dahl but come to find out, it's just the store owner's last name!

The ice cream was super yummy!!!  They did cookie sandwiches and as you can see, Graham was super happy with his.  And yes, as big as that sandwich was, he ate is ALL!
Charlie had some sort of cotton candy "rolled" ice-cream.  "Dahl-icious" for sure!!!
This is how the whole "rolling" thing works with the ice-cream.  First, they pour the liquid cream onto a really really cold freezing tray.
 From there, they put in all the extra ingredients like sprinkels or graham crackers, etc.
And then, they mush it all together and spread it really thinly on that freezing ice tray.  At this point, all I am thinking is how tired my forearms would be if I had to do this!!!
And then, they start to roll it:
It was a bit messy to eat but of course, who really cared about that when it is so super yummy!
Happy Pridgen boys!!!

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