Sunday, October 23, 2016

Abu Dhabi Tour - Cycling

I think I was more nervous about not getting home than anything with the Abu Dhabi Tour being in town this past Friday.  The road leading to our apartment would be closed during part of the afternoon and while we had plans to watch a movie late that morning, I'm glad we got home in time before the road closures!

Poor Charlie is still fighting a cough and mild fever, yet we drag him everywhere :-)
Okay, getting ready by the Al Forsan roundabout!
We had to wait a little while.  Thankfully it wasn't too hot out!
It was pretty exciting to watch the cyclists zoom by:
Followed by a whole bunch of "support" vehicles!
After the quick fly-by, we walk to the other side of the roundabout to watch the cyclists come back the other way. But first, time to play with some rocks while we wait:
Here the cyclists go again! Abu Dhabi Tour video
Another event to add to our Adventure Book! :-)

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