Saturday, January 1, 2011

Random pics of Graham

Graham loves playing (more like chewing) with his rattle baseball bat...
It was nice enough the other day for us to play in his outdoor swing...
Here's Graham posing with our Christmas tree. I didn't set him too close to it because those pine needles are prickly! Anyhow, he wasn't sure what to make out with the dirt and grass.
By the way, yes... I have taken off those red bows off our Christmas tree. The temperature was going to below freezing so I insisted that we go out and get some mulch. While I was mulching, I was feeling pretty creative. We can see it from our bedroom window too! :-)
And oh! Graham had his first taste of mashed banana this past week. He didn't like it one bit! I missed his first bite on video. He actually had the chills when he had his first bite! Here's his reaction to his second bite. Too funny!

1 comment:

The Beams said...

Cindy, we got some good laughs watching that video!! Too funny!