Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Fishing convention

Yes, you heard right - a Fishing convention!  And Oh. My. Gosh.  There were sooooo many people!

Didn't take long to stop at one of the first bait shops:

And yes, that's a guy standing on a boat and his is fishing in this MASSIVE fish tank!  At this point, he was demonstrating how a particular bait worked depending on the technique of reeling in the bait vs using some sort of motion with the rod.  I know, very intriguing - to some!!
I have to say, there's some really pretty fishing rods.  Looks at those patterns!
And we all learned something new - this "thing" in the water called a Lamprey.  It's almost like an eel:
But check out these teeth!!  Even the tongue has teeth. Yikes!!!
And these Lampreys attach to fish like parasites.  And every year, the state parks/government agencies go to certain spots along the lakes and rivers and literally zap the water with electricity to capture the Lampreys in the lava stage.  Maybe this could be something Charlie would want to do when he's older??!

Cute looking owl :-)
And there were boats too!
The boats were definitely a lot more expensive than the campers we saw a couple of weekends ago.  So I'd say this would be a no for us. We just need to continue looking for friends and/or neighbors that own boats. Ha ha!

We picked up a bunch of pamphlets for trips and cruises around the area - and that really means in Wisconsin, Michigan, and even up in Minnesota!  Hopefully one day we can all go on another fishing trip like we did back when we lived in California (up in Big Bear). It was too bad the line at the moment to make our own fishing fly was too long, but there are classes available so maybe we can put that on our to-do someday!

Well, another convention down.  Charlie was definitely super happy!!  He probably wanted ANOTHER fishing rod but realized how expensive they were.  I'm glad he is starting to be a little more cautious on how he uses money!

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