Friday, May 19, 2023

Dental visit

Now that we have insurance, the boys are needing to get their routine teeth cleaning.  And the paperwork needs to be filled out for the next school year too!

I had to obviously pick a new dentist.  This guy seems so young!
Charlie watching every move...
They kept switching the boys.  Now it's Charlie's turn and Graham is on his phone (of course):
Charlie is styling some black sunglasses.  Looking good!
I'm making Graham finish up his homework instead now.  No, I'm not a Dragon Mom :-P
Graham still has so many missing assignments.  I still don't get it!  Hopefully he will do better in 7th Grade. And yikes, Charlie will be in 6th Grade! I bet he will be happy that he gets to sleep in an extra 45 minutes next school year :-)

Okay, no cavities for either boy. I don't believe it - especially with all those chocolates and sweets that these boys eat. Charlie has a tendency of not brushing his teeth very well either. Let's see what happens after the next 6 months!

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