Sunday, December 18, 2022

Music recital

Both Graham and Charlie had their school holiday music recital recently.  Graham is still playing violin and Charlie plays the clarinet.

Charlie cleaned up quite nicely!  He insisted on wearing the jacket:
He's looking like he knows what he is doing - especially for someone who doesn't practice at home.  Ha!
Here's a quick video of Charlie:
Not too shabby!  Although he did admit that he went off-key one time :-)

And here's Graham at his middle school:
He has a uniform that he wears so that's simple enough.  He seems to be playing quite well too for someone that doesn't practice at home.  Ha ha! But he does have orchestra every day in school  :-)
I'm so glad both boys are still playing their instruments.  Oh, speaking of which, I thought we were going to have a private recital at home for the holidays.  Might have to make that happen somehow :-)

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