Sunday, December 18, 2022

Graham and Charlie as Elves

The season of The Santa Clauses came and went so quickly.  It was so much fun though trying to spot Graham and Charlie as extras on the show.

Graham is clearly seen to the right here with one of the main elves.  Graham said they were actually told to look at a tennis ball.  Ha ha! 

I love their ears and costumes!  And oh, that backdrop is actually computer generated!  There are hundreds of TV screens put together to make that movie magic.  How do I know this? Because all the parents had to walk behind this screen and sit in the dark while their children were filming. LOL!

In this scene, Charlie ended up towards the front of the screen, on the left side:
The boys actually got in trouble during filming and were both pulled off the set for a time out.  And in order to keep the boys separately, Charlie ended up being noticed whereas poor Graham is towards the back of the screen somewhere.  I'm not sure if Charlie actually learned anything about being the naughty one after this incident??!

And in the final episode, we spotted Graham for a few seconds on the screen!
What an awesome experience and so much fun for the boys to watch themselves on TV.  I mean, I still can't believe how these boys are in a TV series!  Definitely something they will remember forever and talk about for the rest of their lives :-)

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