Wednesday, July 20, 2022

New home!

It's been so long since my last update.  We've been so busy!  After getting our house in Rancho Palos Verdes on the market, it has been a whirlwind of activity from then on.  We obviously tried to hit all the popular spots on our to-do list prior to leaving California.  I've yet to post those on the blog.  There was a trip to Universal Studios, indoor rock climbing, tour of the SoFi Stadium, the California Science Center... to name a few.  And let's not forget all the adventures on our roadtrip from California to Illinois!  Yes, I am really quite far behind with my blog postings :-P

Well, I did want to quickly post about our new home though.  We finally arrived in Tower Lakes on Monday, July l8.  We spent 8 days on the road - that's 2,911 miles worth of driving.  Yikes!! Bob and I managed to survive each other and also survived having the kids in the car with us (a very small space) and gosh, all those hotel rooms too. Phew!

So without further ado, welcome to our new home!  

It is much larger than our previous home at over 3,300 sq ft! Although it only has 3 bedrooms, so it will be a bit tricky with the sleeping arrangements as one of the bedrooms is downstairs.

Check out the pretty flowers.  I'm totally loving this:

And oh, Bobby had to carry me through the threshold - like all the other houses that we have moved to. I'm just glad he didn't drop me! Although, I think we need to fire our photographer a.k.a Graham.  Ha ha!

We really didn't know what to expect because we have not seen the house in person.  When we came by to visit Chicago during Spring Break, we didn't get this far Northwest of Chicago.  Charlie keeps repeating what I'm saying - that we live out "in the sticks".  Ha ha!  We did check out a golf course south of here, but that's about it.  What a find though... the neighborhood is nicely kept and the lake is bigger than expected!

Anyhow, more photos and details to follow.  It's getting late!  Here's one more photo from our first night.  I told the boys that there are fireflies outside in the yard.  They have never seen them before so they tried to catch them.  Although I think Graham said he squished one. Oops!

We are so lucky to have found this small community of homes.  Let's hope the schools will work out too for the boys.  In the meantime, we are enjoying the new home and the lake nearby and not also forgetting the new golf club membership. We are totally spoiling ourselves right now - thank goodness we sold our CA home when we did!

Ps. The movers should be arriving this Friday or Saturday.  It's going to be quite busy unpacking and organizing this home for the next few weeks (or months??!). Wish us luck!

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