Sunday, May 19, 2019

Tidal pool

It was such a nice day after baseball a couple of weekends ago, we decided to take the boys to White Point.  It's just about 5-10 minutes down the street from us, where there used to be hotel/spa here back in the day.  You can still see the concrete foundation along the rocks:
Always lots of cool things to see here.  I was wondering what makes all these holes in the rocks. I found out later as the day went by!
The boys!!!
This green is so vibrant and almost looks like the seaweed that I like to eat.  Hmmmm....
There are a few people fishing by the end here.  It's so pretty:
Just have to make sure no one falls over!
These rock formations and crevasses are amazing:
Lots of mussels??? I don't see anyone picking them to bring them home as a meal though:
Remember those holes on the rocks? I think these sea anemones are the culprits!
Graham is always so far ahead of everyone and planning his steps as he goes along:
 Here is Graham in action!
We spot a few crabs.  This one was trying to fight off the hermit crabs that were going after its food:
Boys are messing around with hermit crabs:
I am glad they are not pulling the little crabs out of their shell when we are not looking!
So lucky to have these natural wonders so near us and best part of all, it's free! :-)

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