Sunday, May 26, 2019

Charlie's missing teeth

Charlie finally lost his front tooth!  It had been loose for a while and he had been constantly pushing it around with his tongue.  Gives me the goose bumps!
Looks like the Tooth Fairy has been on duty :-D
Graham was convinced that the Tooth Fairy is me while Charlie said "Mommy, you know cursive..." :-)

And then, just this past week, Charlie lost his 2nd front tooth.  Yay!!! 
So glad that one came off too because again, he was moving it around with his tongue.  Blaaahhh...!!!  The "Tooth Fairy" was a bit slow getting the money this time around.  "She" only remembered after Charlie woke up but somehow still managed to get the money until the pillow.  Charlie was still completely surprised as the tooth was still under his pillow when he woke up but somehow it had disappeared from his book shelf. Ha ha!

By the way, don't tell Charlie to take out the trash!

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