Friday, April 19, 2019

Nature walk with 3rd Graders

What a fun day!  The 3rd Graders got to take a little hike just around the corner from their school as part of the Rancho Palos Verdes Land Conservatory program.  I was excited just to see a peacock on someone's roof first thing in the morning! :-D
And here is what most of the trail looked like.  Full of mustard plants!
So yellow and hopefully it won't kick up my allergies.  This plant is not a native plant and is obviously very invasive.  You can actually grind up the seeds and put that mustard on your hotdog and if we ever need a salad, I guess we can go picking mustard leaves too!
The views around here has been quite spectacular though with all the yellow around.  So pretty on the drive home:
Here's another photo taken on the way to school today:
The photo is not blurry by the way, it was the fog from today!  It rolled in just before 3pm when I was picking up the boys from school.  What crazy weather on the hill!

I hope the kids learned a few things today - if not, I know I sure did!  Did you know that the prickly pear's stem is actually those big flat leaves and the actual leaves are the prickles???!  And the name Hollywood may have come from the Holly-like bush?  The kids also spread around some rattlepod seeds - so hopefully we can bring the blue butterflies back to Palos Verdes!

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