Monday, March 18, 2019

Go Pirates! Go Angels!

So Graham is with the Pirates and Charlie is with the Angels this season!

Here is Graham at bat - our #9!
Here is a video of him at bat.  Not quite the best hit but he got it on the first try!  I was working the Snack Shack that day so didn't get a lot of videos:
And while he is not at bat, I guess the coach moves them around the field to different positions.  Last Thursday, Graham was by 3rd base.  Not a lot of action going on, so he was sifting his glove with sand.  Hmmmm.... ha ha!  I could tell he was still sort of paying attention to the game :-)
By the way, when I was working the Snack Shack, Charlie was so happy because he got an ice-slushie for free, and a bag of pop-corn for free, and then he even tried to sneak some sort of candy without me looking!

Here is Charlie in his uniform - he is our #3!  The team printed the last name on the shirts.  Cool! And oh, made the boys wear their long sleeve sun shirts too.  Glad it is coming in handy, not just for the beach.  Thank you Grandma and Pop-pop!
Charlie seems to be one of the taller ones in his team too.  I think a lot of the kids are only 5 years old.  Charlie is 6 turning 7 years old this July (Yikes... 7!!!):
Charlie is ready to go on the pitcher's mound.  He actually caught a line drive and everyone was astonished!!!  That's my boy!!!  Definitely a proud momma moment :-D
Here is Charlie at bat:
Some parents were asking if Charlie had played baseball before as they were all quite impressed with him.  And just tonight, Charlie is saying how he is almost ready to go into the next level of Little League.  Glad he is building up on that confidence!

It was only in the mid 80s on Saturday afternoon but phew, it was hot!  So glad I had my umbrella and I wasn't the only parent with one.  I can't imagine what the middle and end of the season is going to feel like. I might have to go out and buy one of those spritzer fans. LOL!!!

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