Monday, July 9, 2018

Recent happenings

Charlie went to a birthday party a couple of weeks ago and they had "Make your own tie-dyed shirt". What a great idea!  Charlie really loved it but looks like perhaps he could have used more dye on a white shirt:
Charlie is getting SO cheeky!

Toys R Us is closing (actually has closed now at this point) and we end up buying more toys than we need to as everything is at a discount!  Graham and Charlie are happy with these fighting robots whose heads pop off when the middle/chest piece gets struck by a punch.  Anything to keep these boys off their tablets!  At last for a little while:
Bobby finally meets the guy that I used to date back in my working days in Phoenix.  I am so glad they got along really well!  They are laughing here as both are trying to suck their tummies in. Ha!
Charlie works on some painting - loves his bat!  He copied it from a YouTube video. Not sure what that other thing left to the bat is...? Okay, just confirmed with Charlie... that thing to the left is a giant log that is falling on his giant bat.  Abstract for sure! And little person is him. Too cute!
I take the boys to help me get the car wash.  $6 automatic wash plus my "manual labor".  Not too shabby!!!
Oh, did I post this photo yet?  A branch decided to fall just as our car was driving by along the Pacific Coast Highway.  The crash scared Graham as it was on his side of the window.  And it made these terrible scratches!!! Booo hooo.... :-(
There's a heat advisory this past weekend.  It was 108F in LA itself and 100F on the top of the hill for us. So glad our apartment is down the hill along the coast.  Phew! Although no air conditioning is a tough one with the heat, especially trying to sleep at night!
So happy with these new bucket hats that we recently bought for the boys.  I saw them during our visit at the Bay Area Discovery Museum in San Francisco during Memorial Day weekend.  And of course, I had to ask the mom where she bought them:
Almost always the perfect view out here! :-)

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