Sunday, July 8, 2018

Junior golf camp

The LA County is currently organizing free summer golf camps. Yes,... FREE!  Too bad we only managed to sign into two of them.  The sessions get filled up so fast!  The first one (at the end of June) was over at Lakewood Golf Course - about 45 minutes away.  I tried to make the boys pose for a photo before starting and this was all I could get out of them.  No wonder I am getting more white hair!
So...! Let's carry on then!
Graham and Charlie got split up into separate groups but after day 1 (of 4) they were both pretty self-sufficient:
The younger kids had a chipping competition on Day 2:
And Charlie won!  His remark after... "That was TOO easy!!!".  Ha! Talk about confidence! :-P
On Day 4, all the kids have a putting competition within their groups:
Charlie came away with 3rd place - a Bronze medal.  Yay for Charlie!!!
And Graham came away with 1st place for his group!  I was watching him putt and it didn't seem like he was doing so well.  Hmmm... maybe they made a mistake.  Ha ha!  I know... I am such a terrible mom! 
So glad they are both so happy with their achievements.  I did finally decide to take them out for a real round of golf of 18 holes on a Par-3 golf course.  But first, a quick nap in the car??!
Okay! We are ready now!!! :-)
Look at that follow-through from Graham!   His feet are normally aiming elsewhere so this was definitely a "Proud Mama" moment!
There is a wait on the tee so it's snack time.  Just glad the squirrels didn't attack us!
Here is a video of Charlie's swing:
And here is Graham's swing:
Both swings are so different!  I hope they continue to enjoy golf :-)

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