Thursday, May 10, 2018

Doctor visits - Dentist & Allergy testing

We had a bunch of doctor visit recently.  Graham's allergies were not getting better so we went to see the pediatrician.  I would say he looks pretty relaxed! :-)
We have a new dentist assigned to us by our new insurance company.  Charlie went first and he did great!  He was holding on to the arm rest but he has always done that:
Graham even crossed his feet at some point but I didn't get to snap that photo.  So glad both of them didn't fuss. Although they did ask why they didn't get any lollies or toothbrushes when we left. Ha!
I finally had my teeth cleaned recently too and OUCH, I did not like that water pic!

Now here is something new we decided to do with Graham - an allergy skin test.  Looks at all these allergens!
Graham's back gets cleaned and prep for the testing:
There are 6 groups of allergens (each group with 8 pin pricks) ranging from different types of trees and dogs and cats to dust mites. Blah!
Poor Graham was not liking those pin pricks.  I had to hold his hand and here you can see how Graham's body is reacting to it.  Those red spots are no good!!!
Unfortunately, we are finding out that Graham is allergic to a bunch of trees in the Spring and in the Fall and then, also allergic to some grasses in the Summer.  Poor kid!  Of course, we already knew about the dog but we didn't know he was also allergic to dust mites.  Looks like I will need to be doing more cleaning in the boys' bedroom! URGH!!!

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