Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Climbing trees

Graham and Charlie are loving the trees by school.  This seems to be our thing now - is to go to the trees after school.  Some kids are gathered there as well so they get some play time with other kids. The nice weather is bonus too!
Didn't take Graham long to get up into this tree:
Charlie is still a bit small and afraid.  He is also squirming about the tree sap and these little white crawlies, which I haven't figured out what they are yet. Just as long as the bugs stay on the trees and not on the boys!
Happy Graham!
Here is the bigger tree.  Charlie is getting a head-start running:
He gets up halfway but that's about it!  He says sometimes that he is afraid of heights. I wonder where he got that from... or if he is really afraid of heights!
The boys pick up some flowers for me from another tree up the way a little bit.  So sweet!
Charlie did have a little accident climbing a couple of weeks ago.  Oops!  He fell off a tree, according to Bobby, from about 5ft up. His face scraped a branch on the way down. Thankfully he didn't break any bones!
Score is Tree 1: Charlie 0.  And thankfully he is not shying away from trees and is continuing to climb them.  At least attempting to!

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