Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Graham's first soccer game

Can't believe it has happened so soon.  I'm now a soccer mom!  Graham had his first soccer game about 2 1/2 weeks ago (April 6).  The school made arrangements with a local kids' soccer club and they have started a Spring League.  Graham was very excited as his best friend from school - Jonathan, is also in the team.
They even have their own uniforms!  Here they go!
The warm-up session was great. It was cute watching them run around although Graham will need to learn to keep up!
Yup... lagging behind!  Poor fella.  I think he may be the youngest of his team.  If not, definitely the smallest in size!
And all this time, little brother Charlie is just busy munching on his puffs. He's slowly but surely learning how to get the puffs out of the little cup.  So focused!
Got one!
I was really hoping for more instructions from the soccer coach, but they basically just let the kids loose and tell them to kick the ball into the other team's goal.  All was well, until... bump!
I'm not exactly sure what happened, but Graham may have bumped his head with the other boy.  No worries... Mommy to the rescue!
Then, Daddy!
Thankfully it was all better after a little break and a juice pack.
At the very end of the session, all the kids were given the opportunity to dribble the ball down to the other team's side to score a goal.  It took a little persistence and eventually Graham carried the ball all the way to the other side, set the ball down a few feet away from the goal and kicked the ball.  GOOOOAAAAL...!!!! It sure made his day!

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