Thursday, September 19, 2024

Trip to Lima, OH

We decided to visit my old housing out in Lima, OH again this past August.  Good thing is the boys really enjoy visiting "uncle" Charlie and "aunt" Janice too! Well, it's good food, great company, some fishing and shooting. What's not to like!

And oh, did I mention ice cream too?!

Boys being cuddly.  Ha!
Uncle Charlie made some ribs.  YUM!!
I brought out my dad's bow and we were shooting it in the backyard.  I could not pull this, but Graham could!
Graham made it look good, but in reality - he did miss the target. Ha!
Some backyard fun - I'm glad we didn't need to bring anyone to the Emergency Room!
Aunt Janice bought some cupcakes and a balloon to celebrate Charlie on his actual birthday. So sweet!
After a restful morning in the basement:
Fish on for Graham!
Just Blue Gils for today.  They were trying to get rid of them in the pond:
And then, some more shooting in the backyard.  This time with a luger:
Uncle Charlie is very good about safety first!
Everyone got a chance to shoot, including Bobby:
And during this time, the Olympics was one too.  So I was trying to imitate one of the shooters - hand-in-pocket stance. LOL!
Then, we all got educated on a rifle.  Boys were super excited about this one!
This one was loud!
I can't remember how far our target was now.  But this is one of my favorite photos of all the boys and Bobby with uncle Charlie - walking to check out the targets after shooting off the back deck :-)
We missed our orange target/dots but not by much!
We love Uncle Charlie and Aunt Janice!
Can't believe I've known them since my golfing/touring days.  Since 2006! That's 18 years ago now!!

After a few days, it's was time to head back to IL.  Looks like there's some weather ahead of us. Yikes!
Always such a fun trip being with them.  Love them both like family now!

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