Monday, September 2, 2024

Harvesting potatoes (7/14)

I finally got to harvest my potatoes! They had been growing for a while, and once everything started wilting, I guess that was the sign to start harvesting. It was a bit nerve wrecking because the last time I tried to grow potatoes, there weren't really too many! 

Ok, here goes.  Hmm, not looking very promising.  So far, just a lot of dirt!
Oh wait... here we go:
Okay, not too shabby:
But after investing in all that dirt, I was really hoping for a bit more!
We did manage to get one good meal out of all the potatoes :-)
Although, I have to say, I couldn't really taste the difference. It was great to know that they were organic though, compared to who knows what gets put into the potatoes in the ground these days. But it's definitely so much cheaper and so much less effort to buy them in the supermarket. LOL!!

If I can figure out how to plant them in the ground next year, perhaps we will do it again :-)

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