Sunday, September 1, 2024

Dog sitting & July 4th weekend

Right before the July 4 holiday weekend, there was a shout-out to our community from one of the neighbor's on helping her daughter out.  They were going on vacation and needed a pet-sitter for their little Maltipoo.  Well, I figured - why not?! We are not going anywhere, plus it would be a good chance for the boys to learn to be responsible.  I'm sure the money earned will also be a good incentive!

Well, here's Sammy! She is the cutest thing!
And actually, she probably spoiled us because she is such a good dog. So easy to care for. Especially when she only needs to eat twice a day. And when I though she was super excited to see me in the morning and/or when she comes to my bedside, she really actually needs to go outside to pee! LOL!

During her first night, she was all over the place. She was in our master bedroom and then, I could hear her in the boys' room. She has a collar one with a few tags so you can definitely hear all that jingling and jangling around. Needless to say, ALL of us were super-exhausted the next morning. I clearly remember Graham saying, "Well, there goes my sleep pattern!" as he checks on his sleep score on his Fitbit watch. Ha ha!

Sammy loves to sit by anyone. I think she has taken a shinning to my side of the chair:
Or... on a high spot of the couch:
Thankfully she's not a big dog, so it's easy for the boys to walk her. Or run with her!
We even brought her out to watch the parade. We did stay away from the loud fire-truck although she wasn't too bothered by the loud noise.  It did seem that she was gravitating towards the little kids. I think she misses her little man!
Tired Sammy!
Hang in there with me - there's a lot of photos with Sammy sleeping or just lazing around. Ha ha!

In the meantime, this year, Graham won the fishing derby! No trophy but lots of goodies!!
Daddy's turn to walk the dog:
Funny enough, Bobby hasn't had any issues with poop-duty.  Graham did gag a couple times. Poor fella! 

The owner left a nice long outdoor leash so Sammy was able to hang out outside while we are outside as well:
More July 4th celebration for us and Sammy:
Not exactly sure that she's allowed on the "island" but I think she's small enough that we can get away with it. And she doesn't bark much so that's a plus!

I dragged the boys out to volunteer.  We are selling tickets for a few hours.. It's amazing how many people get themselves involved in this neighborhood to make this event a success!
Lots going on from food, to more food, and a merchandise tent, and even some music/entertainment!
Looks like I have to feed my volunteer too. Ha!
Graham, on the other hand, has left for the lake:
Kayak time!
I did have Graham help out by the grill with Bobby one of the days too:
He said he had stand for 3 hours straight and that was a super long time! Wait until he learns about the "real" world!!

Sammy is being a good girl :-)
When we take Sammy out for walks, she knows exactly where our home is. It's amazing how quickly she learns that!
Charlie has a bad sunburn, although you can't really see that in the photo.  He decided it was ok to take his shirt off while playing on the trampoline at a friend's house.  Oops... bad idea!
Another spot for Sammy to lay on. Yup, high up on a big pillow:
Or, my favorite part of the night, when Sammy lays across my legs. So comforting somehow. Ha!
Sammy will literally hang out with anyone. Such a sweet dog:
She even has a teddy, which she sleeps with on my foot-stool occasionally:
OMG, she did not like the mower!
She just kept barking. LOL!
Another spot to hang out at when Charlie's playing video games in the basement:
Or again, just on my chair next to me. But she's taking up so much space even as a little dog!
Sammy loves to sit up here when she's waiting for the boys to come home:
And then, she just gets tired of waiting. Ha ha!
Charlie put a blanket on the couch and gosh, she enjoyed this new spot:
Can you tell, we are definitely spoiling her now :-)
I think Graham fed her on Day 1 and so ever since then, she would always go up to Graham anytime she was hungry. Too funny!
Family we-fie with Sammy!
We are definitely going to miss snuggle times with Sammy:
We actually did have an opportunity to adopt a dog but there was one person that vetoed and so looks like we will just have to wait before the entire family is ready for a dog!  So if anything, I guess I can have my chair back:
OMG, Graham took Sammy to the park on the last day before she was getting picked up.  How cute is this?!
Sammy's family took a couple extra days to pick her up. Unfortunately, they struck a deer in a small little town during their trip. Thankfully everyone was OK!  Just glad they were able to trust us with Sammy during that entire time. Sammy is of course welcome back anytime. Although I have to say, I do enjoy being able to sleep in a bit as she would almost always come into the bedroom and wake me up at 4:30am.  Ha!

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