Saturday, July 6, 2024

Flowers in the garden

This is probably my favorite time of the year, when all the different flowers start to bloom.  Although, it does start to get quite messy! I read online recently on something called "chaotic gardening".  Yeah, that would be my garden.  LOL!!

I probably don't know the names of half of these flowers in the garden.  Like this one.  It really was looking like a weed prior to the flowers blooming:
Yup, no idea on this pink one either:
I suppose I could look these up, but who really has the time for that anymore. Ha ha!
This one I know, it's a hydrangea :-)
They've been sort of flopping over because of all the rain recently!

Pretty random, but found this one and only pink one by the side of the yard.  Supposedly the color of the hydrangea could actually depend on the soil??!
The roses could be looking better - not sure why they are pretty frail looking this season:
I don't normally put fertilizer.  Maybe I need to start doing that for the roses.  Plus, they have been overcrowded by some other plants!

Hmmm, nope - not sure what this one is:
This one is a bee balm.  I know this because hummingbirds love them :-)
So far, we've only had 1 hummingbird this season.  It's like the tiniest thing ever!

These are flowers that come out of the hostas:
This one is some sort of succulent:
This one below is a fairly tall plant - it's a different type of milkweed.  It's definitely very strange looking compared to the milkweed we were familiar with while living back in California!
Pretty day lilies:
And another type of lily that's line up along the road:
I took a photo of the garden from the living room downstairs.  See what I mean by chaotic gardening?! LOL!!
Yup! We have some corn growing too this year!  It's blue corn - which I have never planted or eaten before, other than those already processed in a bag.  So it will be interesting once it's time to harvest!

And speaking of harvest, the potatoes are starting to wilt and actually even more wilted than when this photo was taken a week ago:
I wonder how many potatoes we are going to get.  Guesses, anyone??!

And a little baby cucumber, which unfortunately went bad before I could even eat it.  But then again, it was rather spikey!!
The vegetable garden has been rather slow this year.  Maybe they are not quite in the strategic spots.  AND... I wonder if the self-watering planter that I've been using for the strawberries is now a breeding ground for mosquitoes.  There are like a gazillion of them in that backyard!  I did just purchase a couple of those electric blue-light mosquito zappers.  Hopefully that will help!!

Perhaps by next season I will try and name a few more flowers in the yard ;-)

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