Monday, July 8, 2024

Fallen tree (June 5)

There has been so many storms rolling by and just like any other one, this one didn't seem all too bad.  Until our neighbor called out to us later in the afternoon the day after.  One of our trees in the backyard had fallen into her yard!!

The entire branch on one side broke off. Yikes!
I suppose this is one way to meet your neighbor.  Ha ha!
It's funny because we were just mentioning how we've seen in her yard sometimes but she never really makes eye contact. Well, I suppose that day has finally come to say hello!

Still can't believe how it fell over. Thankfully there was no property damage.  That would be bad if the tree fell on her house. Or ours!
As if clean up wasn't enough at the back, there was more to clean up in the front too. Nothing too severe I suppose.  Looks like we are calling our tree guys back for clean up.  That's quite an "ouch" to the pocket book!
We did manage to get more mulch:
... which I have yet to distribute around the yard.  I've just been too lazy. And it doesn't help when there are so many mosquitoes!!

We did finally purchase a hydraulic log splitter.  It's great that the boys were quick to be familiar with it:
I say that because they have their work cut out for them.  Look at the pile they have to go through!
Some of the logs are from out tree but another pile of it is actually from our neighbor's trees. On that same night/storm, not 1 but 2 trees behind our neighbor's house also went down!  And while their tree guys were cleaning up, we saw them putting the logs by the side of the road.  I told Bobby to give them a "tip" and well, you can see where the logs ended up.  Ha ha!  At least we won't have to worry about getting firewood for the coming winter :-D

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