Friday, May 17, 2024

Side garden landscaping - cont.

This area really didn't look so bad when we first moved in.  But then, the creeping bellflowers and hostas and lilies of the valleys went crazy and everything was so overgrown! So here's a recap of what was done a few weeks ago:

The plants that were put in the ground last year have not shown any flower buds yet, so hopefully there will eventually be some color back here. In the meantime, I'm hoping to get a vegetable garden on the upper tier.  Bobby said it will be his "salad bar".  Ha!
Instead of 1 raised bed, maybe we'll do 2?
I have my work cut out for me pulling out all these creeping bellflowers and lilies.  Sheesh!
If anything, I'm discovering some more rocks buried in the dirt.  Thankfully just rocks and nothing like another animal carcass - like the one I found in the side yard in our previous home in CA.  That scared the crap out of me!!
Leveling these raised beds is going to be tricky, but it's done by nightfall.  Yay!
But wait, by morning I realized that I totally forgot something.  Where is the outdoor sink going to go??  Urgh!!!
Well, looks like we're down to just 1 raised bed and the sink will go against the brick wall.  This will give us just enough space anyway to wash our feet when we get back to the lake.  It's working out! Although now I have to re-level this one other side.  I never make it easy for myself, do I?!
Add some deck tiles and TADA!  Perfect!!
Getting the hose up on the hanger on the other hand... OMG, not so perfect!  It twisted on itself so many times that it probably took me a good 5-10 minutes just to get it all untangled and hung on the hose hanger properly:
And oh, outdoor sink now also comes with an outdoor faucet AND shower spray.  This is actually one that's used for doggy washes.  He he!
So glad this spot is done! These lilies are so pretty and look so harmless!
... until they are overgrown and end up like this!
I'm sure there will be more to pull out before next season.  I'll have to figure out when to do so, so it doesn't reseed itself!

My poor yoga frog will also need some TLC.  I left it out during this harsh winter and it has some cracks:
Thankfully, these cracks can be fixed with a tube of concrete and some outdoor paint.  Oh wait, what color did I pick? Oh, you mean the same blue as the front door should be perfect?  Yup, you're right! :-P
And I have the perfect spot for Mr Yoga Frog - on a rock right in front of the creeping hydrangeas:
And now, the side garden is complete! By the way, I did end up trimming about half of the creeping hydrangea off.  It was looking rather limp.  Hope to someday see some flowers on it.  Fingers crossed!

Oh,I did discover a couple of days ago that the first step at the bottom of the stairs here needs some concrete repair.  I can totally see the rebar. This outdoor work is never ending!!

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