Friday, May 17, 2024

Shoe organization

The foyer by the front door has always been quite of a mess, with shoes all over.  Look at this!
It's funny how there's only 4 of us but there seems to be so many different pairs of shoes for all the different occasions and weather. See what I mean?!
Well, the weather has been quite crazy.  Cold then hot then cold again. And then wet. Okay, perhaps it is a first world problem owning so many pairs of shoes :-P

I was also trying to improve the Feng Shui of the house, which means no more shoes directly facing the front door.  That meant moving one of the entryway hall trees away (it's actually in the guest room now) and I managed to find a (used) little wooden cabinet online:
I think it actually works!  I was a bit concerned about all the different materials and colors - wood vs metal and black vs brown.  The tricky part was actually trying to find baskets that would fit underneath that cabinet.  I managed to finally find some cheapy plastic ones that I won't have to worry too much about getting filthy.  Yay!

I actually had to clean up the basement anyway because I was finally hosting a neighborhood Youth Committee meeting.  You can't quite see it, but there's these little bug by the windy sill I finally had to sweep up.  I thought someone else named Bobby was supposed to do it, but... nope!
Thankfully, they were all dead.  Found out that they are boxelder bugs and don't cause any harm to humans and to the house.  Can you imagine if it did??!!
They do like warm spots and I think putting mulch right to the exterior wall of the house was probably a bad idea.  I did try and pull that mulch away from the house and put gravel instead.  So hopefully that will help!

And talking about liking warm spots as well, these little plants are just loving it when I open up the blinds.  They actually have a grow light turned on directly above them but the natural light wins all the time!
Thankfully I was able to (mostly) sort out the mess in the foyer and basement to host.  The other committee members thought the basement was cozy.  Hopefully this summer, we can sort everything out once and for all!!

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