Friday, January 19, 2024

Snow AND Ice!

10 days ago, after getting back from our winter holiday break, it starts to snow.  Here comes the winter storm!!
So beautiful, especially in slow motion :-)  

It's a white-out!
Graham is so happy trying to build his snowman outside:
Not too shabby!
So pretty with the light in the back deck. And there goes Graham on his sled :-)
The next morning...
I'd say there's about 8" of snow!
Time to get that snow-blower out:
Seems like it took us forever to get this driveway cleaned up:
The boys and I had the shovels as well.  I'd say at least a couple of hours, although I'm not sure how much help the boys actually contributed. They may have spent more time with snowball fights!

There's ice down the rain-chain:
Ya, never mind the snow, we also have below freezing temperatures.  So I'm wrapping up some plants in the front:
More sledding for the boys - they went over to a friend's home.  And on the way back, oops - Charlie has fallen over:
Charlie is like a professional soccer player, totally exaggerating his fall.  Ha ha!
Big brother Graham to the rescue!
Awww, so sweet to see.  If Charlie only knew how much his big brother loves him!!
Looks like we better get used to this "whiteness" for a while:
Time for the boys to clear up the back deck:
At least they are not complaining.  Actually, I think Charlie was but no getting out of this one!
They did say that they wanted to move to a place that snows.  Ha!

Icicles along the roofline:
It is still so very pretty though:
Luckily, the roads are nicely cleaned up:
I think at this point, the thermostat in our car says it's 19F outside:
And a few more days later, with days and nights below freezing, the lake has now totally frozen!
Bobby and I are out on the frozen lake, for a nice walk:
We don't look cold, do we?? LOL!!
It's only about 10F, but hey... it's sunny out, with shadows on the "lake":
Lots of animal tracks.  Racoon??
No idea what this could be:
These tracks are ours for sure.  Ha ha!
We do love where we live:
And now we know what these tracks are too:
Squirrels, digging for their food!
Shouldn't they be hibernating right now though?? It's literally freezing outside still!  I may have to read up on this one.

Well, the boys' ski trips have been canceled 2 Fridays in a row now.  It's run by the Park District and it's crazy to think that it's actually been TOO cold to even go skiing/snowboarding.  Charlie will probably want to go ice fishing this weekend though.  Will post some photos if we do!  In the meantime, I'm still going to try and embrace this cold.  I did get out back on the frozen lake again with a neighbor for another nice walk a couple of days ago.  We'll be back in the 30s by next week but forecasted to rain.  So I guess enjoy the snow and ice while it last! 

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