Thursday, January 18, 2024

Happy New Year/NJ holiday trip

Happy 2024!!  Can't believe we are already more than halfway through January though!  Where does the time go?  And of course, I've been terrible about getting back on track with posting on the blog.  So at some point I'm going to have to catch up on the photos and stories from the last half/Fall of 2023.  But in the meantime, I'm going to start off the year with our road trip to New Jersey during the school/winter break.

We decided to drive out to visit Grandma and Pop-pop again this past winter break.  At least we didn't have to deal with the freezing weather this time (compared to last year!).  Here's our crew - crazy Daddy at the wheel!!
Quite rainy and gloomy throughout the entire trip:
We decided to stop by Bucknell University on the way to NJ.  What a campus! And of course, beautiful homes around the area:
Before hitting the road again, we opt for some coffee and hot chocolate:
I think we are a family of "Croc" shoes:
2 days later, we are finally at Grandma and Pop-pop's house.  Boys are teaching Grandma how to play Connect 4:
Other times, boys are just playing on their computer games:
We did manage to break some of that routine with some games of Uno:
So much fun!  And what are the chances of drawing four cards and all of them being Wild cards??!
Someone was obviously not shuffling the deck very well. LOL!

We ate so much pastries from the French bakery located in Montclair.  Yummm!!
On New Year's Day, uncle Doug came by to visit.  He drove us towards the city of Hoboken to meet up with the boys' cousins:
Some artwork along the way:
What a cool building!  It used to be a school:
The boys are loving this projector wall TV.  Ha!
It took us about a 25 minute walk to get to our restaurant.  I was definitely hungry by the time I got to it.  Graham still loves making origami:
Charlie is just trying to stay awake as his face is not embedded into any electronic screen at this point:
Brunch!  OMG, this egg pizza was egg-celent!  Get it?? ;-)
Everyone, smile!
After brunch, we walked towards the water to admire the view.  And what a view it was!
Family we-fie!
Oh,... and a few more:
Let's go, people!!
Lovely photo!! :-)
Brothers being brothers:
Cousins - they are all growing up so fast:
I took away the boys' phone and Graham is happily using Grandma and Pop-pop's camera:
It was pretty chilly by the water but what a great day it was:
As soon as we get home, Graham is so excited to get back on his VR (Virtual Reality) headset: 
Ok, back to the real world... more Uno!
Daddy is obviously struggling here :-P
Although, I think I did end up losing with too many points!!

Daddy did get some brownie points for working some billable hours at the library near by.  Although, I'm not sure if he's actually working with a face like this.  Ha ha!
These are better - lovely photos with Grandma :-)
And with Pop-pop:
Okay, time for Daddy to take on Grandma in Connect 4 on our last morning:
Well, it is finally time to say goodbye to Grandma and Pop-pop.  It was so lovely to see them as usual!  On the way out, we stopped by the town of Clinton again.  Bobby loves his Red Mill!
Okay, here's a better photo of it:
And we obviously keep missing the Christmas celebrations here:
Hmmm, we did promise the boys' McDonalds on each road trip:
My fish wasn't as bad as I thought it would be - actually pretty similar to what I remember it to be.  Just glad I did get sick eating it!

More gloomy days as we make our way back to IL!
To be continued...

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