Saturday, August 13, 2022

Random happenings

Just a snapshot of what we've been doing recently.  First off, ice cream!! 

We found an ice cream shop not far from us.  They have some super yummy ice cream, although I found out from the previous owner that it contained corn syrup.  Nooo..!!  Corn syrup can't be that bad for you, can it? Especially if it makes ice cream taste so good :-P

It's been a challenge getting all of our door knobs changed out.  Plus we like the aged bronzed color better:
This bottom handle required some drilling.  Actually, I guess the door did have these previous longer handles but the holes were patched up:
Glad I was able to find my drill easily.  There are so many boxes still to be unpacked!

Ta da!!
Boys having some fun by a store front.  Nope, we are not getting this one!
Biggest turkey sandwich, ever!!!
The boys...
Graham and Charlie find any opportunity to play computer games!
Some window shopping...
Although the boys and I did find a nice piece of artwork for this wall.  It already had 2 hooks on the wall waiting for something.  This butterfly piece is perfect :-)
Although, I was almost thinking of investing in some sort of art like a Rothko.  Ha!

I started experimenting more with Stick-and-Peel since our shelves are sort of coming apart anyway, and needed some sprucing up.  Oops, didn't buy enough:
Finally got the TV set up too!
It took a few adjustments and tweaking as I used a wireless HDMI extender.  Unfortunately there is no cable connection by the fireplace and no TV bracket either.  So the TV is front of the fireplace for now and it's finally working. YAY!
I finally had to move/unpack a few more boxes so I could get to "Bob" (the cactus).  Poor Bob has been stuck in a corner for more than 2 weeks now since the movers showed up:
Looks like "Bob" has found a new spot as his home now :-D
I almost left him behind in California but Graham and Charlie were both so insistent is bringing him along.  I'm so glad I listened to them :-)

Lots of reminders of California!
This house needs more color and instead of painting, yup - more Stick-and-Peel :-)
Not too shabby, I think.  Love these built-in book cases, by the way.  There's another book shelf on the other side of the fire place to fill up as well:
This one sun-beam mirror didn't get packed properly so I'm going to use these Stick-and-Peel to tape it up:
Getting more ceiling fans installed as well.  There isn't a single one in this house.  This one is in the boys' bedroom:
So okay, I may have picked a fan that was too tiny, but it seems to work fairly well and it looks like a flower :-D
My next challenge in getting this mega double-fan installed in the kitchen. Wish me luck!
And I've yet to order a fan for our master bedroom too.  Can't decide to get a "Fandelier" or just a traditional fan/light combo.  Decisions, decision!  I probably should unpack a few more boxes but I've yet to hang the boys' new mirror/medicine cabinet in their bathroom (such limited counterspace!) and also the TV bracket.  

Graham and Charlie are back to school in a week so I'm sure I will have lots of time to figure things out.  Or just lay on the couch and binge watch TV. LOL!!

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