Sunday, January 13, 2019

Happy New Year 2019!!!

Can't believe it is already 2019.  Where did 2018 go??!  It didn't seem that long ago that we had just moved back from Abu Dhabi.  I can still see all those boxes in my mind - in the living room of our apartment - waiting for the movers to show up.  Gosh, I guess I still can't get away from moving boxes as there are still so many in the garage and also scattered around the house.  Anyway...

To start the New Year, we decided to go to the LA Zoo Lights.  Charlie was fast asleep.  Graham was maybe halfway there!?? I think he is still sometimes getting used to his new glasses:
The line looked long when we parked but it didn't occur to us that it would get THAT long!!!  Funny enough, we let the boys nap an extra 15 minutes in the car, thinking we were a bit early. What a mistake that was!  It took us almost 45 minutes just to get through the line and to get through the front gate. Phew!
Never going to make THAT mistake again.  Ha Ha! And it is cold tonight! I think the thermostat in the zoo said 40F.  Brrrr...!!!
Christmas tree is still up!
Cute monkey lights around the "market" area - where the souvenir shops are.  We bypass those for now:
I was trying to get a nice family photo but it's a bit tricky with the lights! This is as good as it will get:
Doesn't take long for Graham and Charlie to scout out some gadgets/toys:
Happy Charlie!
These row of lights on the wall were quite fun:
Daddy was being quite funny here.  Ha ha!
Here is the tunnel of lights - fun but I felt that the tunnel was too short :-\
Another blurry photo!
There were a couple of dancers at the end of the light tunnel.  One had a lit hoola hoop and the other with a couple of lit batons.  I'm not sure if their outfits were family-friendly. Maybe I am being old-fashion??!
There was also a light/laser show in a small section of the zoo, over a small pond.  They probably could have opened up some more area so it didn't feel so cramped:
At this point, I think we are starting to compare the light show to the Phoenix Zoo Lights.  Bobby and I both agree that Phoenix has it down a lot better!  Perhaps the LA Zoo is just a lot bigger so it was more difficult???  We don't see any animals tonight other than 2 white swans sleeping:
There was a Reptile building that was lit inside too but the line was too long.  We come across a few reindeers with cute Christmas-related names.  I can't remember any of them now except for Cinnamon :-)  Did you know that the reindeers' antlers grow and shed their antlers every year??? Who knew!
Having some fun with our shadows:
We are heading out and this is probably one of the most colorful spots in the zoo:
It is a late night but we have two happy kids!  I guess that is all that matters these days :-)
Happy New Year everyone!!!

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