Sunday, January 13, 2019

Happy 12th Wedding Anniversary (Jan 6)

12 years!!! Through the ups and downs and moves and kids, we are now in our new home in Southern California.  I was counting the number of cities and homes we have moved.  The count is 9 moves in 6 cities within 12 years.  Phew!!! 

It was a nice surprise when I woke up in the morning :-D
Bobby did admit that he sneaked out in the morning to make a quick run to the grocery store.  Ha ha!  Funny enough the store had a gift card for our favorite restaurant!  Unfortunately, I did not get Bobby anything this year.  I was unwell when I returned from the ice hockey game a few nights ago.  I don't normally get heartburn but I guess my belly was not happy with the food at the game.  And the next day, my body was so achy! I think it was a bad combination with gardening too.  Gardening lately has really kicked my butt!

And the leaky ceiling the night before didn't help either.  It has been raining so much lately - a whole lot more than last year!  We are still dealing with this issue - calling on the original roofing company and the company that installed the solar panels and also the Home Warranty company.  Never a dull moment with our new home! :-(
Well, thankfully by that weekend, I was up and about again and didn't want to turn down a meal at our favorite Chinese restaurant at the mall.  Even the boys love it now!
Well, lets see what this next year brings us.  Like I said, never a dull moment in the Pridgen household.  How could there be when your kids are doing things like this:
That is Charlie by the way, with his smiley box face.  If you lift the piece of paper, there is another flap underneath with a "sad" mouth.  Ha ha!
And we picked up a "free" Ping Pong table recently too so we are busy trying to train our next Olympian! 
Nah... not likely.  And I said "free" because we actually had to rent a truck to pick up the FREE table.  The total cost for the truck was $35 so maybe still not too bad considering the cost of a brand new ping pong table.
It is probably much easier to train a professional napper and TV watcher.  Graham is definitely a natural at this one. LOL!!!
Ahhhh..., good times!!!  May the adventures continue! Love you lots, honey!!! XOX

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