Thursday, December 15, 2011


When Graham learned to say the word "raining", he actually started to say it in Chinese first - "xia yu". Well, just a few days ago when it was raining again, he used the English word! It's so funny/cute how he pronounced it. And he started to say "Mornin'!" as well when I would walk into his room in the mornings.
And after the rain was done, I tried to put together the new cozy coupe that Grandma and Pop-pop bought for Graham for Christmas. I really can't remember the last time I gave up on putting something together. But gosh,... I really gave up this time! I might have to resort to looking at the instructions online. In any case, Graham still managed to sit/play with it for a little while:
And oh, by the way, I lost my screwdriver! Graham put it through the hole where the steering wheel is suppose to go. So now, he has a built-in noise-maker in his little cozy coupe!
Anyhow, this is as far as I got:
I put it aside and Graham obviously still wanted to play in it. Looks like he'll just have to wait until Daddy takes over. Although I'm rather nervous about that. Daddy loves using brute strength when it comes to fixing stuff!

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