Friday, November 5, 2010

Another Milestone

Graham was 13 weeks when he learned to roll from his belly to back. Now, at 23 1/2 weeks old, he finally learned to roll over from his back onto his belly!

Graham has finally gotten over his jetlag. Last night he was asleep for over 11 hours... from 8pm to 7:30am! Although, I'm sure by saying that I'm going to jinx myself again!
Graham has also learned to scream! He discovered this new "skill" a couple of days just before we were all leaving Malaysia. Needless to say, he's an expert screamer now - being quite a tyrant at times!!!
Ok, ok... he wasn't losing his temper there. I was trying to take his picture when he fell over from a sitting position. Yes, bad mommy!! But he does seem to get upset when I leave him - wonder if that's the separation anxiety that people are talking about. For example, when I put him down on the changing table and just leave him briefly (still within sight) to get more diapers... he would start to cry!

Graham is also learning to pull on his blanket while sleeping. I guess he likes to feel his blankie in his hand... or on his face!
We've definitely been keeping an eye on him when he falls asleep now. Sometimes if Graham is restless while sleeping, we just end up taking his blanket away from him!

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