Thursday, September 23, 2010

Graham's 4-month appointment

Graham is now 4 months old! His doctor's appointment went well yesterday. The nurse went through a checklist and seems like Graham is on target with all his mobility and yes, including blowing bubbles too! He's now 24 1/4" tall and 14 lbs 9 oz. According to the graph, he's smack in the middle - Mr. Average!
He did get 2 more vaccinations yesterday and surprisingly, he didn't cry as much as I thought he would. Once Daddy picked him up, he calmed down pretty quickly. He did cry again when I put him in his carseat as we were about to leave, but barely onto the freeway and he was already fast asleep! He was still asleep when I brought him into the house, although not for long. After his nap, he had his Tazmanian Devil band-aid to show for.
This past week, it's been more difficult to put him down for his naps. He's an expert roller now, but unfortunately only one-way from his belly to his back. He would then cry and eventually just end up sleeping on his side, with his thumb in his mouth, of course.
And yesterday, Graham just started to learn how to grab his toys in the car (yes, he has already been grabbing onto my hair and shirt!). He was grabbing onto this pacifier in the car and at one point, fell asleep with it in his hand!
By the way, we discovered last night that we've been feeding Graham recalled milk powder! I say "bug parts = extra protein"!!!

1 comment:

The Beams said...

I love that picture of him holding the toy while asleep-that is so funny!