Thursday, July 29, 2010


For the longest time, Bobby and I have been trying to capture Graham sneezing on camera. And we finally did! He does the funniest (and cutest!) sound after he sneezes!

Graham has been crawling like a crazy person in his crib! Again, I started him out at the right side, with his body lengthwise with the crib. When I entered the room this morning, I knew he had moved because I could hear his cries from a different part of the crib. I started laughing when I saw where he had ended up and just had to grab the camera for this photo op!
Graham now has his first set of clubs! A good friend of mine (golfer, of course!) got him the cutest set of Snoopy clubs. Can't you just see the excitement in his face!


The Beams said...

That sneeze (and following noise) is really funny!

Kiersten said...

He is truly adorable!