Saturday, June 5, 2010

Thank you Grandma & Pop-pop!

Bobby's mom and her husband just left on their 2-day drive back to New Jersey from Tulsa. They were here since Day 1 when little Graham arrived home about a week and a half ago. Grandma and Pop-pop was of great help while I continue to recover and with Bobby going back to work earlier this week. Bobby and I were able to take naps during the day while Grandma and Pop-pop supervised and fed little Graham. We would take the night shift while Grandma and Pop-pop got their sleep. It worked out great!

Pop-pop was also nice enough to keep everything watered in the yard, especially with the temperature rising. I finally had my first blueberry! It was really tiny though but tasted pretty good. I can't wait for the blueberry plant to bloom some more in the summer! Hopefully the birds and deers won't get to it. The deers did get to the Asian lilies as well as my rose plant. Bad, bad deers!!!

Speaking of Asian lilies... I was rather emotional when I saw these finally blooming in the backyard when we returned home with little Graham from the hospital. I had bought some Asian lilies for my mom last summer, as she always loved them and we would always bring some when visiting her grave-site back in Malaysia. Anyhow, the deers had gotten to them last year when the flowers were blooming, so all that was left were just the leaves of the lilies. Thinking it was a weed, Bobby had pulled them out while clearing the area!
Well,... while I was preparing to mulch the deck area this year, I saw a plant growing and wasn't sure what it was - weed or a flowering plant. Well, I'm glad I decided to keep it because when it finally bloomed, I realized it was the same Asian lily that I had bought for my mom last summer! What makes this so special is that the lily flowers probably bloomed when Graham was born, as the plant itself was in full bloom when we returned with little Graham from the hospital. So glad that Bobby isn't very good at weed-pulling! :-)

1 comment:

S and T said...

They are awesome people!