Monday, November 10, 2008

Nice surprise

Bob surprised me at the airport with a dozen of roses! At least this time he showed up at the correct terminal (Tulsa IS a small airport). Unfortunately, he did forget to take the price tag off... but that really didn't matter. The roses were beautiful. And of course, with no vase in the house, I opted for the plastic milk carton, courtesy of Borden milk :-)
As for the other not-so-nice surprises when I got home...
- the pot of cacti in front of the house had fallen over and dumped soil all over the front walkway
- all my veggies in the garden (except for the strawberries!) are dead
- the license plate, i.e. roof of my birdhouse had been blown off into the empty lot next door!
- the hibiscus flower, which was so close to full-bloom before I left for Florida, was no where to be seen
Looks like the storm that had blown through a few nights ago was a really bad one!

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