Saturday, April 21, 2012

Oh so tired!

This past Tuesday, I received a call from Graham's daycare - asking me to pick him up early as he had a runny diaper that morning.  So, off I went... right during their naptime.  When we got home, we had a little snack and instead of putting Graham down for a late nap (which he said "no" to anyhow when I asked him), I decided to take him out to the grocery store with me.  He yawned a little while in the car on the way to the store.  And when we returned and during our next snack of apple sauce and cheerios, it almost looked like Graham's eyes were getting heavy while feeding himself.  Once he was done with his apple sauce, I thought I'd get the video camera out :-)
He he he... I'm such a mean mom!  I did pick him up and put him into his crib for his nap.  I've never seen Graham so tired.  He was definitely out!

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