Wednesday, May 23, 2007

So close...

I thought I was so close to a good round. 14 greens hit in regulation last friday in Kansas... but I still ended up with a score of 80! It's too bad that golf actually requires 18 good holes, not just 14.

Nothing much to report this week. Just back home, trying to get the wedding invitations ready and sent out. Beethovan, the cat has been going crazy - meowing constantly for attention. It's bad enough that I have to deal with hubby bobby! Just kidding, honey :-)

Speaking of pets... here are some pet pics:

Here's my baby, Spike. Unfortunately, Spike had cancer and I had to put her down this past March. It was the most horrible day of my life :-(

This is Doobie... Bob's dog. He lives with mom-in-law and loves pop-corn.

Then you have Beethovan (aka Snowflake - because there's always a layer of white fur in the apartment). Such a needy cat and meows REALLY loud! He's sitting at the back of my chair as I'm working on this blog...


S and T said...

We were rooting for your Cindy!!! Tammy is constantly glued to the scores when you play. Maybe we are giving you bad luck :-(

Keep at it, if golf was an easy game, everyone would be at the professional level!!!

Take care,
S & T.

Cindy Lee-Pridgen said...

Well, the golf courses do get a little nicer out in the midwest and east. So hopefully the scores will get better. :-) Thanks for the support! Have a great Memorial day weekend!

Unknown said...

just for the record I always win more attention than snowflake does.

Snowflake, respond if you have the courage!