Monday, May 29, 2023

Graham's 13th birthday!

Can you believe it?! We officially have a teenager in the house! Graham has been doing the countdown to his birthday probably for the last couple of months now. And his birthday wish list just got longer and longer. Kids, I tell you.  Ha!

Exactly a week ago - in the morning, Graham read out his birthday card from Grandma and Pop-Pop:
$13 dollars for the 13 year old... thank you, Grandma and Pop-Pop!!
Graham actually wanted these lollipops for the longest time:
Happy Graham!
Graham really wanted a debit card.  Ta da!!! You can really tell how happy he really was to get this:
As for his birthday dinner, Graham really wanted a steak dinner.  At first, I was supposed to give him 3 different choices/restaurants. However, since driving past this shopping plaza quite a bit and always wondering about the Golden Corral - we decided to give it a go! :-)
Graham is happy with all-you-can-eat steak and mash potatoes :-D
And somehow, Charlie said that Graham is allowing them to use their phone during dinner.  Hmmm....
And then, we went to the store next door and boys wanted more Pokémon cards.  Graham said they would pay us back with their money.  Uh huh..., Bobby and I aren't so sure:
Pretty sunset on the way home:
And just as we get home, Graham checks out his new microscope - a gift that was on his wishlist.  He LOVES looking at stuff under the microscope!
By the way, thank you also to Grandma and Pop-pop for sending personalized M&M chocolates and aslo a check for Graham.  He already has a new list of things to save up and buy on his new debit card! By the way, just a few days ago, we were heading over to Dunkin Donuts and Graham said he would pay for all of our treats!  Awww... too sweet!
Hopefully this won't be the first and last time.  Ha ha! 

Happy birthday, Graham! We love you so much. By the way, this year we decided to let him invite a few friends for a party. Photos to follow!

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