Thursday, December 30, 2021

Christmas Eve

I'm obviously skipping ahead here with my postings a bit since I have not finished my postings for our trip to MN.  There's so many photos I want to share!  So, in the meantime - I'm going to get our Christmas postings in first before the New Year.  Can't believe it's already New Year's eve tomorrow!

Graham and Charlie were supposed to build this Crystal Tree kit with their cousins in Minnesota but looks like the kit just got a free ride to MN and back.  Ha!


Charlie got tired of asking me what's for breakfast so he decided to make his own breakfast - scrambled eggs with english muffin:

Not too shabby for doing it all by himself! And that includes turning the gas stove on and off too:

I asked Charlie to make me one too but it didn't happen.  Hmm... looks like these kids need more training on listening to their mother.  Ha!

Our next project for the day was making kefir.  This is Graham's project since he is the only one in this household that drinks it:

Strange looking kefir grains but I guess we'll follow along and see how it goes:

I figured that maybe putting it on top of the heater might help it ferment faster:

It doesn't seem to be the case, so into the kitchen cabinet it goes!

In the meantime, we are opening up the new 2021 ornament that our friend just gave us.  So pretty!!

And so fragile!  This one was last years.  Amazing how Swarovski makes these:

We have (salt) crystals on our mini Christmas tree!

The boys keep wanting to play computer games but I managed to convince Graham to finish up one of his projects from last Christmas:

So looks like this project is going to take Graham another year.  Ha ha!  In the meantime, time for Mommy to make some bread.  I haven't done this in ages. Using fresh jar of yeast and also bread flour instead this time.  Let's see how it turns out:

I've been setting the dough on the electric heater and it's been helping it rise really well.  I'm going to try this bread holder instead of a bread pan:

Not too shabby!

Crust is nice and firm and the moment of truth... soft and fluffy on the inside.  Yay!

Okay, moving on to the next project for the day.  Our friend that bought us the pretty ornament - she really loves to  arrange flowers. So I figured I'd buy her some fresh flowers:

And who knew, she already had a whole bunch of flowers ready to be arranged at her home!

Here's my first ever flower arrangement to bring home.  So sweet!

By the way, it's been raining so much here these last few days.  Look how these big trees have fallen.  Oh now!

I really need to figure out how to make the bread non-stick on this bread holder:

And also need to figure out how to keep this dining table clean and clear of stuff.  This will do for now for the flowers/centerpiece, once Graham clears up his project off the table:

Phew, now it's time for Graham and Charlie to bake Santa some cookies:

Looking pretty good!  We bought a cookie mix from a local kid that was selling them this holiday season.  Proceeds will be used to buying toys for less fortunate kids.  Isn't that so sweet? 

Hey look!  Graham can finally raise his arms all the way up!  It's been about a month now since his fall/broken collar bone:

Checking up on our kefir.  Ooohh.., looks like it's thickening a bit:

What a day so far!  Finally sitting down for Christmas eve dinner.  We are having mahi-mahi tonight.  There's no real tradition for us here.  Perhaps time to start one.  I'm glad the boys are eating the fish:

There is the tradition of the boys giving gifts to each other and opening it up the day before Christmas:

I had the boys make each other something using clay this year.  I hope they appreciate these gifts from each other.  And then, they got to open one other present - this one is from us (Bobby technically) to Graham and Charlie:

Looks like the microscope is a hit!

I was doing some laundry tonight and look what I spotted outside - clouds that look like a poodle??! Ha ha, I must be going mad after a long day.  LOL!!!

Time to wrap up the presents from "Santa" and also put out the cookies.  Charlie wrote a really cute note.  It says, "Ni hao! (that's hello in Chinese). Thank you for the presents and bringing joy to kids like us!"  Awww, isn't that sweet:

I am beat! And I wonder how many parents are gnawing on the "reindeer" carrots in the middle of the night while wrapping presents.  Ha ha ha!!!

So much for not buying too much this year.  When will we ever learn??!  Merry almost Christmas everyone!

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